Why Prestige?
Positive absolute returns
We offer genuinely alternative investment opportunities that deliver long-term, uncorrelated and consistent absolute returns.
Added alpha
We add alpha for investors through our consultative approach to supporting our partners’ long-term growth ambitions.
True pioneers
We have been offering high quality innovative alternative and private debt products for many years, which makes us true pioneers in the private debt market.
Conscientious investors
We value diversity and integrity and our products are designed to benefit both society and the environment.
Third Party Investment Analysis Data Providers
- Bloomberg
- Morningstar
- Preqin
- Lipper
- Camradata
- Global Fund Watch
- Fundbase
- Swiss Fund Data AG
- Financial Express
- Mercer
Alternative lending and private debt - as an investment strategy
Prestige Funds via specialist companies operates several regulated / listed credit funds which have diversified investment portfolios consisting of hundreds of loans with a high level of diversification by loan type, duration and risk.
Low volatility
Alternative lending and private debt create constant cashflow payments and are typically characterised by low volatility.
Consistent returns*
Alternative lending and private debt have historically produced consistent returns. Typical returns in Europe and United States range from 5% to upward of 10% depending on risk, currency and duration.
The performance of alternative lending and private debt have typically been uncorrelated to the traditional capital markets providing a unique diversifying asset class to modern investment portfolios.